Tuesday, January 27, 2009

{faith + resources = zero worrying}

Zack came home from work tonight with a {Venti} Carmel Macchiato. MMMMmmmmm, it is so delish :)

I think he was trying to sweeten me up for when we go through a new monthly budget;) Ya see, this needs to be done monthly because our bills are never the same monthly {compare your spring gas bill to a winter month gas bill. See?} Also, in the event that we actually pay OFF a debt, then we need a new monthly budget because we have found extra money to go towards other bills. One day, hopefully in a few years, this will all be cleared. And it's going to be so freeing.

I'm going out on a limb here to talk about money at a young 23-1/2 years of age.

OK, here we go:

Money and setting a budget can be very hard because it is too easy to tell yourself, I can buy this because just added $300 to our savings account

That's not how our family rolls. 
In all actuality, we can't buy that. Unless it is in our budget, I mean.
Zack and I are taking a Dave Ramsey church-hosted class called Financial Peace University, based off his book, Total Money Makeover

It is a 13-week class that teaches you to pay with CASH, to save money, to wisely invest and how to tell your money WHERE TO GO. It is seriously amazing. WHY? Because we are in control. Having a budget isn't very fun. It's hard to make, it takes commitment and absolutely NO SECRETS. But next year at this time it's going to be great. And the year after that will be even better. The only way to overcome financial issues is to face them head-on. This way, Zack and I can't argue with one another and get mad at each other for unexpected monthly bills. It's all on the table. The good and the bad. 

It is really freeing, actually, because we know EXACTLY what we owe, how much we make, how much we give ourselves for dates and fluff spending. We know certain months are more expensive because of gift-buying/travels/extreme coldness outside ;) Basically, we are clued in to life.

Jesus hates when we worry. He basically stomps on that word. Yuck. I was told that people spend 80% of their time worrying about something that doesn't ever happen. Eighty percent --that's a big number. 

Here's something to toss around:
Money isn't evil. Having money isn't evil. God wants us to enjoy life with a God-pleasing life. But don't be fooled: Loving money IS evil.

1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV)

10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

The Bible spells it out for us. Now, I know there are times when your bills exceed your income. The first time we did a budget that happened to us. We simply had to go through it again and change the numbers around. We made it work, and you can make it work, too. Here are some resources that can help you lay out a plan of action. Once they are filled out, you need to pray, you need to give it to God, and you need to focus your energy on fighting this battle. Remember, you are in charge! It doesn't need to be a battle! Don't be overcome by it.

Resource #1: Monthly Cash Flow Plan

Resource #2: Basic Quickie Budget

Each link will bring you to a online document that you can print and fill out. 
It is the first step to gaining control :)

Hebrews 13:5 (NIV)

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."

 Psalm 31:6 (NIV)

6 I hate those who cling to worthless idols; I trust in the LORD.

That is the word of God. We need to believe in it. 

Have Faith!


daniella said...

We're doing the same thing! And every month is a different budget/spending plan because as one thing gets paid off, that money now has to be allocated elsewhere.

More 23 year olds need to be like you. LOVED this post!

Staci said...

i hate money, it ruins everything!! LOL yeah, we are gonna need to do a budget soon, we do that and then get off it...and then do it, then get off....eh whatev....

Good for you though ;)

Mandy said...

Yeah, I agree. We have NO credit cards, NO car payments and buy EVERYTHING with cash. It is a great way to do things. It is tough right now with Jess being laid off though, the normal expenses of running a household are not cheap and unemployment is next to nothing. I'm thankful for the savings but I tell ya it will not last forever!