Thursday, February 12, 2009

{here she goes again}

Who loves yellow?!?!?! Do you? Do you?
Because I'm about tired of it, and the sad part is it's my own fault ;) However, if you could ever so kindly scroll through this post you'll see something EVER SO FANTASTIC that I want to share with you.

Hopefully something funny and/or exciting happens in my life soon because Etsy is all I seem to talk/blog about. Zack just called me. Apparently it's all he thinks about, too. He almost bought some fabric for me at the store because it was really cool. And, also something interesting worth mentioning, he found something in our yard {since all the snow has melted} that he thought I'd like for my sewing projects. So it's in our kitchen waiting to be scrubbed clean ;)

Oh wait. It happened. I just remembered a GUSSY story. Last weekend we were visiting at my parents and my mom had a thought: let's clean our your closets because you have two of them and you don't even live here anymore. Actually, she didn't say that last part. But I really do have two closets in my old bedroom at my parents. And they were full. Like FULL. Three-ish hours later we had 10 bags + 1 box to give to Goodwill, 8 for the trash man... and a pair of happy parents. I'll admit, while most of the donations were my old clothes, bags {trust me, they were old and outdated!} and boxes, a few of the donated bags had things that belonged to my mom. Things = clothes from the '80s- '90s. I'm so glad she kept them around for nearly 25 years because now I have some AMAZING fabrics to work with. I mean, AHHmazing. Perfect condition wool skirts. Plaid. Red, gray and black plaid. Amazing. This stuff is going to make someone a great bag. And coordinating wallet, coin purse and jewelry case. Good thing I only have so much fabric, because otherwise my Etsy shop would turn into a scary plaid monster ;) Like it already has with all this yellow... Ahhhem.

I'll stop rambling...


embroidered GREEN grass wallet with yellow - $16

GREEN grass coin purse with yellow - $10

PURPLE funky jewelry case, buttoned - $21


daniella said...

I can't believe you had stuff from the 80's and 90's! I'm too OCD to have stuff around for that long; I can't even have furniture set in the same way for more than 6 months. I used to be that way about boyfriends too, so I guess it's a good thing I'm now married and with children :-)

Can't wait to see what you'll make of the wool/plaid stuff!

daniella said...

I can't believe you had stuff from the 80's and 90's! I'm too OCD to have stuff around for that long; I can't even have furniture set in the same way for more than 6 months. I used to be that way about boyfriends too, so I guess it's a good thing I'm now married and with children :-)

Can't wait to see what you'll make of the wool/plaid stuff!